Invalid ASCII character code. Only characters 1-255 are allowed. Sorry, ^ cannot be used here. Sorry, you’re limited to ^ characters here. Memory is very low. Can the contents of the clipboard (^K) be destroyed? to show this help topic or the topic is missing to open the settings to open the window to continue processing for file processing There isn’t enough memory^. Close windows or increase application memory size. Strings containing an Any Chars sequence wildcard cannot also contain an Any Char wildcard. Free memory: ^K Largest block: ^K Est. input chunk: ^K A second search string must be specified after the Sub-search code. A search domain must be specified prior to the Sub-search code. Strings cannot contain more than one Sub-search code. Any chars wildcards cannot be used in Change strings when performing a sub-search. To use an Any Chars sequence wildcard in a Change string, another must be used in the Find string. Any Chars sequence codes must be preceded and followed by at least one character. Strings cannot contain more than one Any Chars sequence wildcard. strings containing only Any Chars sequence wildcards Leading Char strings that contain carriage returns cannot be used for matching. Leading Char strings that contain wildcards cannot be used for insertion or as replacements. Sub-search codes Any Punctuation wildcards Lower Case character wildcards Upper Case character wildcards Any Chars sequence wildcards Any Letter wildcards Any Digit wildcards this replacement would cause ALL lines to be removed or replaced and therefore when searching WITHIN lines, strings containing only wildcards strings containing only wildcards Any Char wildcards nulls carriage returns